
A sacrifice or offering to one or more of the gods; to make a sacrifice, to sacrifice something. While it specifically refers to making an offering it is often used as a generalized term for heathen rituals.  If a ritual includes making an offering to gods, ancestors, spirits etc then calling it a blót is still correct.      
Content warnings are verbal or written notices that precede potentially sensitive content. These notices flag the contents of the material that follows, so readers, listeners, or viewers can prepare themselves to adequately engage or, if necessary, disengage for their own wellbeing. 'Coming Soon' - Expanded Explanation of Content Warnings
Cultural appropriation more accurately misappropriation is the inappropriate or unacknowledged adoption of the customs, practices, ideas, etc. of one people or society by members of another and typically more dominant or privileged people or society. For example as a white woman with no native or indigenous heritage it would be cultural appropriation for me to claim that I have a Spirit Animal or make and use a dream catcher. Cultural Appreciation vs. Cultural Appropriation: Why it Matters 'Coming Soon' - Expanded Explanation of Cultural Appropriation
Declaration 127 is an anti-racist statement/proclamation made to denounce the Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA). This was created in 2016 as a response to a statement published by AFA formally confirming a long and well-documented history of discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, sexuality, and gender identity. AFA declared that non-white and LGBT individuals were not welcome in their tradition. The title Declaration 127 refers to verse 127 from the Hávamál, a poem from the Poetic Edda. Odin offers this advice, and states that good will come to those who accept it. “When you see misdeeds, speak out against them, and give your enemies no peace.” – Hávamál verse 127
Dissociation – is a mental and emotional state of being disconnected from your thoughts, feelings, memories, and/or surroundings. See – Expanded Explanation of Dissociation
The ritual offering of libations (most commonly mead or other alcohol) to gods, ancestors, vættir, or other wights.
Frith is made from productive, honorable relationships and conduct between people. In many situations approximates to peace, and mutual safety.   “The power of frith is apparent, in the fact that it does not count as a virtue, something in excess of what is demanded, but as an everyday necessity… ” Vilhelm Grønbech
Galdr is germanic ceremonial magic, particularly rune-magic; chanting or intoning to either charge or work magic with the runes; it is differentiated from seidr.
Gaslighting is a type of emotional abuse. An abuser tries to control a victim by twisting their sense of reality.
Gothi is the Asatru or Heathen equivalent to a priest.
Grith is honorable conduct toward outsiders, it includes principles of hospitality and mutual nonaggression. Sometimes distinguished from frith.
A Gythia is the Asatru or Heathen equivalent to a priestess.
Hávamál is ‘the words of Odin’ an old Norse poem with advice on living , proper conduct and wisdom. It is often treated as a holy text in asatru.
Hof is a heathen chapel or temple.
Hospitality is the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers.  There are assumed responsibilities for both the host and the guest, in modern times much of this is unspoken manners.
Hypervigilance is an enhanced state of sensory sensitivity. The nervous system is inaccurately filtering sensory information and reacting as if under threat. This is a common PTSD symptom can look like constant scanning for threats and an overactive startle response.
Imposter syndrome is feelings of self-doubt and personal incompetence that persist despite your education, experience, and accomplishments. It reflects a belief that you are inadequate and a failure despite evidence that indicates you’re skilled and quite successful.
Jötunn are giants, particularly frost giants.
A kenning, is a word or phrase that is a metaphor for something simpler. Common in Old Norse and Old English poetry and literature. Calling a ship a “sea-steed,” for example, is a kenning.
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental health condition where a person has difficulty recovering after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event; such as abuse, war, traffic accidents, domestics violence or sexual assault.
Smudging is a form of smoke cleansing. It is used colloquially as a term for various types of smoke cleansing particularly using sage bundles. However in truth it is a specific closed practice belonging to North American Indigenous communities. The ceremony is for purifying or cleansing the soul of negative thoughts of a person or place with the smoke of sacred herbs.
Ritual toasts/ passing the horn. Sumble (or sumbel) is a ritual drinking celebration honoring and acknowledging the gods, ancestors, human community, kinship, friendship, as well as virtuous action, achievements accomplished, and promises or oaths. This is commonly done in three rounds. a communal horn is often passed around to share with each individual offering a toast or remark before passing the horn.
A trigger is something that reminds an individual of a traumatic event in some way. This can include sights, sounds, smells, or thoughts.
Unverified or Unverifiable personal gnosis is a spiritual belief gained through intuition or personal experience, that cannot be attributed to lore, historic accounts nor is it corroborated by received tradition, or professional scholarship.
Vættir is a broad term for spirits in Norse cosmology. This commonly refers to wights and sprits of place, and also includes gods, dwarves elves and jötun.
Sacred feast, usually following a blót.
Vitki is a Rune-mage. Also used for a male magical practitioner as a male version of a volva although they are usually associated with different types of magic.
Volva is a type of powerful female magical practitioner, seiðr is associated with this type of practitioner.
Wiccatru is a term for religious practices that combined heathen beliefs with Neo-pagan, namely Wiccan practices, Often this is used as a pejorative by reconstructionsists, particularly when Wiccan practices are labeled as heathen. It is fine to be eclectic, whem beliefs and practices from many sources it is important to know where practices come form so they can be treated with respect. Heathen’s Heart isn’t here to tell you how to practice but to provide examples and information that is as accurate as possible so you make informed decisions as you design your practice. As such if something is a Wiccan adaptation it will be labeled as such so that those striving for reconstruction can take that into account.
Wights are spirits of place (landwights housewights etc)
Wyrd is fate, or personal destiny. However it is also more complicated concept than the simple definition and ideas of destiny and fate are important theological idea in heathenry. EXPANDED EXPLINATION COMING SOON
Yggdrasill is the world tree. It’s a central image in Norse cosmology and within the branches are the Nine Worlds or realms of the cosmos.