
Finding good information can be a challenge in the pagan community. Heathenry in particular is plagued by individuals and organizations with racist and bigoted ideology. It can be a daunting task to find good information and to be certain that you aren’t inadvertently supporting white supremacists. I know I have spent hours researching author before ordering a book, and occasionally I have still gotten it wrong. In an effort to make it easier for others striving to follow a similar path I’ve collected resource that I can personally recommend. I have also gathered information on organizations and key individuals to avoid.

Individuals worth looking into

These are some of our favorite authors, and content creators. I’ve done my best to look for resources that provide good information and have moral & ethical tenants I can support and recommend.

Admirable Heathen Organizations

The search for upstanding organizations that offer community, accurate information and stand against bigotry is a daunting one. These are some organizations I have found useful.

Recommended Media

There are an abundance of books on Heathenry. Screening out books by racists or other bigots can be a real challenge especially for those who are new to the community. All the books recommended are by authors without ties to racist, sexist or homophobic organizations or known issues as individuals. With the help of my community I am working to build a large library of options from beginner to advanced.

Human Rights & Activism

  • Women’s Rights are Human Rights.
  • LGBTQ+ Rights are Human Rights.
  • Black, Indigenous and Minority Rights are Human Rights.

Resources for supporting rights and getting involved.

Coming Soon

Organizations & Individuals to avoid in Heathenry.