Coming our of brain fog
Mental Heath,  Wild Heart

Coming out of the Covid19 fog

The past month has been a mental health roller coaster. The lingering effects of my fight with covid19 back in November have taken a serious toll on my mental health. This came to a head in February. It took a long while to realize I needed to talk with my doctor to help me get things back under control.

covid19 experience

My partner and I were very sick for a few weeks but felt we had gotten off easy as we watched my best friend be hospitalized and need oxygen. While miserable we all made it through but the effects of that bout of illness are ongoing months later. We all still lose our breath sometimes for no reason, even my partner who never even developed a cough. Sometimes we have ongoing fatigue, brittle nails and hair, and other lingering reminders. The physical symptoms have been frustrating and at times scary but for me the mental symptoms have been the hardest to deal with.

In my case, and for many others, covid19 has long-term effects on memory and cognitive function which amounts to brain fog. Almost like that foggy feeling waking up from deep sleep or trying to function when you’re sick and have taken cold medicine. It is scary and frustrating to reach for words and not find them or to lose track of what you are doing. These are also symptoms that are common in my ADHD, PTSD, and depression. All of this can have brain fog, trouble with memory, and inability to concentrate as symptoms. My years of experience with these mental health concerns meant I already had some of the tools to manage but an adjustment to my medications made a huge difference.

Beating Brain fog

This is not in order of importance more in order of speed, short term effectiveness to longer-term help.

  • Drinking Caffeine Can Clear Brain Fog – Caffeine can be a super simple way to beat brain fog short term.  It will help you focus but it wears off and can leave you more tired than before. 
  • Move your body – getting moving has an immediate effect on your cognitive function. Even simple stretches or a short walk can help clear your mind. Some people recommend some quick jumping jacks to get the blood pumping, personally, I hate jumping jacks so my go-to quick exercises are squats and some arm stretches to warm up my whole body. 

**Regular exercise is obviously a great plan but when it’s a struggle to get out of bed or keep your thoughts straight adopting a new workout routine isn’t a top priority.

  • Drink water – Hydration just makes your body run more smoothly. I try to keep water with me all day if I have it on hand I’m more likely to drink it and stay hydrated.
  • Eat – I’m not saying eat health just eat. A healthy well-balanced diet is better for sure but when I’m having brain fog it’s hard to remember to eat or have the energy to cook at all. When I’m struggling to think I start with a snack, and then make food if I’m up for it, if not it’s still okay. Cheese and crackers are food; so are clementines, apples, cheese sticks, etc. If you only have mana to grab a no-fuss snack that’s okay having a snack is better than not eating. I try to avoid just junk food but sometimes that happens too.
  • Take your vitamins (and medications if applicable) – post Covid I can tell when I miss my vitamins my body needs them more than ever. It is still healing and needs all the resources it can get. If you’re experiencing brain fog for whatever reason vitamins can help multivitamins are great, Vit Bs and Vit D are the ones that help me the most and they have links to the production of neurotransmitters. 
  • Get sleep – recovery takes time – sleep gives your body & mind ideal repair time. 
  • Flex your brain  – Getting your brain working helps to clear away and prevent brain fog. This can mean crossword puzzles, sudoku, brain games, or even reading.  
  • Frith & Community – brains crave connection, even introverts need social interaction to keep their brains happy. During the pandemic this is hard, video calls and voice chats aren’t the same as sitting down for a coffee or a beer but it’s a good alternative for now. Virtual blóts are possible but rituals can be cumbersome over the internet. A simple share meal & sumble via video chat is pretty easy and does my heart good (just write down order because everyone’s screen is different and go around with your toasts).

However you choose to battle it, whatever your reason for dealing with brain fog – take care of yourself.